Product of Newfoundland
This is a blog about Newfoundland: The Strange Truths, Tall Tales & Pop culture of a Foggy Island.
Facts, Fiction and Folklore
Nothin’ But Puffin
Trivia about the Newfoundland and Labrador’s provincial bird — the Atlantic puffin.
Terra Nova Trivia: 11 Facts about Terra Nova National Park
Eleven facts about Terra Nova National Park.
The 7 Surprising Wonders of Newfoundland
Not what I expected! 15 years ago I asked Newfoundlanders to select the island’s most amazing places. Their choices surprised me!
When Black Bart Burned Trepassey
Just over 300 years ago dreaded pirate Bartholomew Roberts set his sights on Newfoundland and began a 2-week reign of terror. Maybe.
Remembering The Petty Harbour Bait Skiff
170 years ago a ship sank in Petty Harbour inspiring a song we still sing today.
Like A Virgin: NL’s Madonna Iceberg
In 1905 something shiny and new — in the form of an unusual iceberg — appeared outside of St. John’s harbour and some people were convinced it was a miracle.
St. Brendan: The Newfoundland Navigator?
Did an Irish monk visit Newfoundland, carve his story in the rocks and leave again, 500 years before the Norse set up camp at L’Anse aux Meadows?
Bluenoser Bunnies & The St. John’s Skyline
Newfoundland’s rabbits (aka snowshoe hare) and George Street United Church have exactly one thing in common — the Hon. Stephen Rendell.