Product of Newfoundland
Trivia, Folklore & Assorted Nonsense
The yarns that knit ya. A blog about Newfoundland: Strange Truths, Tall Tales & Pop culture from a Foggy Island.
Giant Squid: Giant Feast from a Giant Beast
On November 2, 1878 a giant squid came ashore in Thimble Tickle, Newfoundland. It became a world record holder, inspired a life-sized sculpture and appeared on a stamp. It also became dinner.
Sea Serpents and Lake Monsters of Newfoundland
There are mysteries in the deep but from time to time the come to the surface — here are 10 times Newfoundland sea serpents and lake monsters made the news.
The Day The Sky Fell
On October 19, 1936 some parts of Newfoundland thought the world was ending. Literally.
Nothin’ But Puffin
Trivia about the Newfoundland and Labrador’s provincial bird — the Atlantic puffin.
Bluenoser Bunnies & The St. John’s Skyline
Newfoundland’s rabbits (aka snowshoe hare) and George Street United Church have exactly one thing in common — the Hon. Stephen Rendell.
Bakeapples: The Origin Story
Unusually named and unusually tasty! How did the Newfoundland bakeapple get its name?
A Mope Among The Dogberries
In Newfoundland they are mopes and dogberries, but they might be grosbeaks and mountain ash, to you.
St. John’s to Labrador: A Dog’s Journey
The story of the Labrador retriever starts on the rocky coast of Newfoundland where a hard working fisherman’s dog travelled the Atlantic to win the heart of an English aristocrat.