Jayne Batestone: Digital Date

“I’ll do whatever it takes, whatever it takes,” that’s what Jayne Batstone sings in her song Digital Date. It’s a seriously infectious line.

I singing while I’m driving, while I’m walking my dog, and as I’m getting ready for bed.

I don’t think I’m the only one to be this taken, in fact, I know I’m not — other listeners to the Newfoundland mixtape have told me they’re in the same boat. So, ‘whatever it takes’ to craft a pop song with sing-along appeal, Batstone’s got it knocked. 

And not just on Digital Date, her new EP Line Art is full of great song craft. She’s been getting notice for it, too — Batstone won the Junior Music Category of the 2021 NL Arts and Letters competition for her first single I Won’t Say It.

It’s an auspicious start, for sure, and I can’t wait to see where she goes from here.

Check out Digital Date above or at the Newfoundland Mixtape.

Robert Hiscock

Robert grew up in a tiny Newfoundland community called Happy Adventure. These days he lives in Gander, NL and his happiest adventures are spent with his two Labrador retrievers exploring the island while listening to a soundtrack of local music.

When the dogs are napping Robert takes photos, writes about Newfoundland, and makes a podcast.


The Missus Downstairs


Pete: Goodnight