Product of Newfoundland
Trivia, Folklore & Assorted Nonsense
The yarns that knit ya. A blog about Newfoundland: Strange Truths, Tall Tales & Pop culture from a Foggy Island.
Sea Monster Attack!
In 1888 the crew of ship Augusta encountered a sea monster off Newfoundland.
Capelin Scull: Roll With It
Videos of capelin rolling in Newfoundland, capelin science and a capelin drink recipe.
The Great Newfoundland Fog Factory
Newfoundland is one of the foggiest places on the planet -- here's why. Plus, make fog in a jar!
The Wolves of Newfoundland
The story of wolves and coyotes on the island of Newfoundland, from the Newfoundland wolf to the arrival of coyotes and coy-wolf.
Newfoundland Tsunami of 1929
The devastating Newfoundland tsunami of 1929 was the result of a series of natural disasters. Read how it unfolded.
We Call Them Bakeapples
This golden fruit might just be THE berry of Newfoundland... even if it is an acquired taste.
5 Big Facts about Newfoundland’s Giant Squid
Take a deeper dive into the surprising story of giant squid in Newfoundland